As the title of this post implies, this is an update about my upcoming novel. Yes, I realize that when you go through and read this post that there are a lot of "I don't knows" in it, but that's the joys of writing. Despite popular belief, novels don't write themselves, you know. I have to actually have the time to sit down and put pen to paper (or, in this case, type out words on my computer) in order to get it finished. However, I do hope you find the answers to your questions below, helpful:
What's it called? - I don't know. For now, its working title is NaNoWriMo Project #2 (bet you can't guess that it's called that because it's the second project I began working on for NaNoWriMo about 4 years ago. I'm just kidding. About the "you not figuring out why the working title is what it is part," I mean. You get my drift). Anywho, once it has a proper title, I promise that you'll be the first to know (well, after my best friends, closest confidantes, etc.) When's it coming out? - The short answer? I don't know. Sometime in January (at least that's the plan). What's it about? - Well, at the risk of giving you spoilers (I've been told that I inadvertently give out spoilers to things when I really don't mean to), all I will say is that it's about a girl, it's set in Ireland, and that's all you get to know for now. Don't worry, there'll be more info available closer to publishing. Speaking of publishing, do you have a publisher? - No, but that's ok because I never intended to have a publisher when I decided to release this novel. Why did I decide to do self-publishing? Well, mostly because I wasn't quite ready yet to give up creative control over things like cover art, pricing, etc. With the number of tools available to aspiring or established authors, it's easier than ever to go the self-publishing route, and so I'm going to give it a shot. And those are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the novel so far. Stay tuned to this page for further updates! Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.